Wednesday, November 28, 2007

BLOG 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writing blogs week by week help me learn a few things from my favorite food. My relationship with soul food made me feel that I should cherish this creation because my ancestors came up with this idea and is a legacy that still goes on. Yeah there recipe may have change over time by the different ingredients cooks want to use and try, but it came from ancient African American people. I learn what others have to say about soul food and I learn if it wasn't for the harsh journey that they had to sale from their homeland, there probably wouldn't be no type of fried chicken, candy yams, or stuffing.

Obviously people from all over the world eat one of the varieties, either its turkey, mash potatoes, or macaroni and chess. The way soul food affects the global community by eating it with some much passion and love. When you have a hot meal in your face, people would say things like,"thank you Jesus" or "hallelujah" Also on Thanksgiving day and Christmas day, the global community makes tons on food and praying to the high power thank you for this food.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My favorite meal, which is called soul food it consist of so many things. Ham, fried chicken, corn bread, collard greens, vegetables, rice and beans, etc. You see it's up to the eater what they want on their plate. Soul food can be healthy , its just the way or what seasoning the person use. On one hand you have seasoning that is good for your health, but on the other side it can affect your blood pressure, which can lead to becoming a diabetic. Also eating these type of food everyday can make you gain weight, and I know people don't want that.

My favorite food can be healthy and unhealthy, you have to take of your body and make sure your body have little bit of everything. For example try to balance everything, don't have only starch. I say a good healthy soul food meal is nice, light season chicken, vegetables, and cornbread.


There are so many comments that people say about the term "Soul Food," but I would say that the term soul food is a perfect name for this kind of food. It''s perfect because when you start eating, it hits your soul so deeply that it makes you say hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm good good!!!!!!!

Many people say, "to fully understand the concept of soul food you must learn the traditional foods from Africa." I am sill learning the concept of soul food and I think everyone should as well. It is very interesting and as you learn, not just the African Americans was only affected by this creation.

Another comment that was said was by scientist William Bascom, found that a large portion of tribal Africans shared basic cooking techniques. Until this present day the same techniques are still is at use.

Also others believe that, "soul food developed to simply illustrate both graphically and literally how to unify our concept of god and love." When we pray for this dinner beside you it is shared to you and god, because it is a blessing to have a hot food to eat, which you should be thankful for.

Health issues in the 1400s African Americans ate healthy, but on those long journey from their homeland, there food started changing. One in particular was this sauce that affected their normally healthy diet, it was made from old beef,rotten fish, and salt, which filled their stomach.

Now many people make there food spicy or salty, don't get me wrong it is so delicious, but at the same time you can't eat as much as they did in ancient times.

source...."A History of Soul Food, Soul Food"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Museum of Natural History

Going to the museum was very interesting, our assignment was to find evidence to support Al Gore's assertions in An Inconvenient Truth. This assignment was cool, it made me wounder, I'm I treating the planet good or bad?

My pale, Chavon and I group together and some evidence we found was the forces that affect climate, how the sun's brightness and the earth's orbit and tilt relative to the sun influence the amount of solar energy that reaches earth. Also, we discovered that scientists believe that due to human activities the atmosphere, carbon dioxide has increased, meaning the atmosphere is getting warmer. Many factors influence climate such as the atmosphere, the ocean, the solid earth, and life itself. Some elements of life are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphors.

After learning about the earth, we walked around the museum and stopped at the African People , which we really had a connection to. So we focus on every installations and pointed out logos, ethos, and pathos. One installation was the Spirit World:
Logos= Focus for religion life in traditional Africa, explained the world of the living and offered hope, encouragement, promise of afterlife, affirming a power greater than man's
Ethos= Night blue, with mask , sculptures, chair symbolizes African cultural in the spirit world.
Pathos= When i was analyzing the window I had goosebumps because just thinking about people contacting the afterlife is scary.

Another was the Pokot Women, this installation was about how the Pokot Women was defined and their lives turning into a women.
Logos= At puberty they undergo a clitoridectomy, in public to show there strength and there new found statis as a women.
Ethos= It had belt and apron, which the women wear during their pregnancy. Red necklace which symbolizes the uncircumcised girls and a charm necklace that represents good luck to married women. A special knife to cut the clitoris and aluminum bracelets.
Pathos= Even though this is the Pokot Women's religion, I felt disturb because just thinking about pain is unbearable.

Learning history can be interesting, at the same time breath taking.

Monday, November 5, 2007

WEEK 3...........BLOG 7

Collard Greens Before Cook.

Last but not least Callard Greens are my
favorite food to eat,you can have collard greens with many dishes such as fish, ham, chicken, etc. It is also called Bore Kale. It is a loose leafed of the cabbage planet. Also grows very large with a dark green color. They are mainly from Brazil, Portugal, Southern U.S., parts of Africa, Montengro, Spain, and Kashimir.Greens have a higher nutritional value when cook with a night vitamin C and suluble fiber. These multiple nurtrients help fight away Cancer. And you can blended it into fruit juices for flavor.
Collard Greens Cooked
Source......Collards History

Sunday, November 4, 2007

BLOG 6 Week 2

My second food, which is Cornbread. Cornbread contains cornmeal, it is Native American. The founders who discovered cornbread were the Europeans, during the Europeans Exploration of North America. Popular during the American Civil War, because it was cheap and was made in different forms, such as high rising, fluffy loaves,steamed and mushy. It is enjoyed by many people, because of its sweet scent and great taste. Many different types are Baked Cornbread and Huskpuppies.
Cornbread arrive in rural areas like the country side (down south). When the Europeans came from Europe to the spread throughout the coast. Now cornbread is sold in local areas like Pathmark and Key Food. It is serve in a box, where it says add water.
source.... Illustrated Magazine,Baking Illustrated. Brookline,
MA;America's test Kitchen, 2004, Wikipedia.